Through my use of the camera I have always been interested in the themes of ‘place’ and ‘identity.’ I want to use photography as a means to try and understand what it is that makes us who we are, and the complexity’s that are involved in human relationships, to use the power of the image to say things where words sometimes fail.
My work has become heavily focused on this idea of the ‘unconscious’ and its power over us. My style revolves around making ‘dreamscapes’ through my use of colour and focus I am attempting to create hazy recollections of past events.
I hope to challenge this notion of reflection and interpretation through my imagery. To see if a visual representation of my subconscious can help in having a greater understanding within my conscious.
2011- Swansea Metropolitan University. BA Photojournalism (Examination June 2011)
2010- 36EXP, EASA gallery, Manchester, UK.
Our Summer Exhibition, Grand Theater, Swansea, UK.
2nd Year Exhibition, Swansea metropolitan university, Swansea, UK.
Book Publication Exhibition, Swansea metropolitan university, Swansea, UK.
2009- Undone, (public site exhibition,) The Pumphouse, Swansea Marian, UK.
1st Year Exhibition, Swansea metropolitan university, Swansea, UK.